Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Democrat Majority

Yesterday the House of Representatives, along strict party lines, approved the expenditure of nearly $900 BILLION of our tax dollars (which do not exist by the way) to be used to 'rescue' the economy. While $335 million of that is for STD prevention, clearly unrelated to any economic issues facing us, we need to think about just how big this Democrat majority is.

Obama won the presidential election by a vote of 54% to 46%. How big was that majority?

Imagine yourself in a room with 50 people. 27 of them voted for Obama, and 23 of them voted for an alternative. If THREE people had voted the other way, the alternative, John McCain, would have prevailed by 52% to 48%.

So our country's financial future is being determined by three people in fifty. These three voters in our room of fifty are the reason this deficit spending plan is being steamrollered through Congress.

Three in fifty.

Is that what we wanted?

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