Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The re-education of reporters

In private discussions I often argue that reporters need to be re-educated in American government. This example is from a Wall Street Journal piece about the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as president.

That's just one of the new policies symbolizing the change to come as Washington shifts from eight years of Republican rule under George W. Bush. Within days, Mr. Obama also is expected to issue executive orders to begin closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, one of the most controversial symbols of the Bush administration's war on terror; reversing Mr. Bush's restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research, and restoring funding for family-planning programs overseas.

Lets look at the paragraph.

1. Republican rule - In the United States our politicians govern, they do not rule. Monarchs rule, Presidents govern. Its that simple, and seemingly not understood by the Fifth Estate.

2. Bush's restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research - the Bush administration really increased funding for stem cell research. What they did do is restrict the harvesting of new stem cell lines from aborted embryos. There is a difference.

3. Restoring funding for family-planning overseas - while the question should be asked why the United States is funding actions in other countries, the fact is that the restriction was on using U. S. funding to support abortion.

We need accuracy in language which will lead to accuracy in reporting. But I doubt we will get it.

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