Friday, February 20, 2009

Heard 'round the world?

Have your heard CNBC reporter Rick Santelli's heartfelt blow-up?

Santelli clip.

Based upon the response - after 24 hours over 1.5 million hits on the CNBC website, over 100,000 views on YouTube, coverage by Matt Drudge, coverage by Rush Limbaugh, just to name a few - Santelli's comments struck a blow. It was about fairness by the current government which is using our money - reaching into our pockets and taking our money - to pay off mortgages for those who could not afford them in the first place (largely under rules established by the Clinton administration by the way).

Was it well-intentioned? Maybe.

“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."
- Patriot Samuel Adams

Perhaps it is time for the people who paid off their mortgages, or were very careful to only take mortgages they could afford, to stand up and be heard. Has the fire against socialism been set in your mind? Are you one of the water carriers? Or do you just want to sit back and drink the water others carry for you?

Is this the shot of the 21st century which will be heard around the world?

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