Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama Popularity

The February 5th Rasmussen poll website reports that Obama's approval rating is slipping, and in fact is lower than George W. Bush's was at the same point in his presidency.

What is striking to me is not the high approval among people who consider themselves Democrats, nor the low approval among those who self-identify as Republicans ... it is his surprising low rating of about 30% among the non-aligned.

Obama likes to throw his weight around by telling those who oppose his ideas "I won," implying of course that somehow all American voters totally support any cockamamie idea he comes up with. While his attitude shows his arrogance, and hints at the totalitarian approach the left wants to take (Sen. Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are also good models of this attitude), it simply does not "play in Peoria" with common Americans who still seem to be slightly right of center in outlook.

Remember this is a president who as a legislator built a reputation on voting "Present" - and accumulating political power through associations with former radicals.

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